Strokes are more common than you think — yasoquiz

4 min readJan 12, 2022

A cerebrovascular accident, also known as a , occurs when blood flow to the brain ceases and can result in death if not treated promptly.

Strokes are more common than you think

These are more “dirty mind” common than you might think; according to the American Heart Association, strokes are the №5 cause of death in the United States and the leading cause of disability among adults older than 64 years old.

Strokes can also be incredibly costly in terms of medical costs and lost work productivity if they happen at work or during the normal course of your day-to-day activities.

What Are the Signs of a Stroke?

  • Understanding stroke symptoms is important, because brain cells can die as little as three hours after a stroke.
  • The following signs may indicate a stroke: Numbness on one side of your face or body; Difficulty speaking; Confusion and/or changes in behavior; Loss of balance, coordination and/or weakness that spreads from one side to another.
  • Other signs include difficulty seeing in one or both eyes and severe headache. If you suspect someone is having a stroke, call 911 immediately! Time lost is brain lost. Don’t wait — your life could depend on it.

What Types of Strokes Are There?

There are two main types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Ischemic strokes are more common and account for approximately 87 percent of all strokes, according to a 2012 study in Neurology. These types of strokes occur when blood flow to part of your brain is blocked by clots, which can break loose from an artery wall or be formed elsewhere in your body. Hemorrhagic strokes make up 13 percent of stroke cases and occur when a weakened vessel bursts, allowing blood to leak into surrounding tissue. Hemorrhagic strokes are often caused by ruptured brain tumors or bleeding disorders like hemophilia A.

When Should I Call an Ambulance?

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when something is an emergency. If you have any doubt about whether or not to call for medical assistance, err on the side of caution and call 9–1–1. If someone is having a stroke and 911 is called immediately, treatment can often prevent long-term damage from occurring.

While every case of stroke is different, early treatment can make a difference in saving lives from strokes.

For example, research shows that if you arrive at the hospital within three hours of experiencing symptoms of a stroke (TIA), they will be able to give clot-busting medication and potentially save your life. This applies even if doctors don’t definitively diagnose what type of stroke it was.

What’s an Ischemic Stroke?

Strokes are more common than you think, Ischemic strokes occur when a blood clot gets lodged in a blood vessel and blocks blood flow to part of your brain.

Symptoms may include sudden weakness or numbness on one side of your body, slurred speech, trouble swallowing, or vision problems. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, get medical help immediately. Read more about ischemic stroke and what causes it here health information

How Do I Know If I’m Having a Hemorrhagic Stroke?

Not all strokes are alike. There are two kinds of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. Hemorrhagic strokes occur when a blood vessel breaks and bleeds into or around your brain, either temporarily or permanently damaging brain tissue.

Ischemic strokes occur when an artery becomes blocked and interrupts circulation to parts of your brain-usually leading to permanent damage. Here’s how to tell if you’re having a hemorrhagic stroke-and what steps to take if it happens to you or someone else…

How Do I Protect Myself From Having Another Stroke?

If a stroke is your first experience with a medical emergency, you might be understandably worried about having another one.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to lower your risk of another stroke, starting with those taken soon after your last episode.

There’s no set time limit for when it’s safe to go back to normal activity. Each individual responds differently and some may resume normal activities within days while others may require several weeks or months, Watson said.

SOURCE : yasoquiz

Originally published at on January 12, 2022.




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